This page gives you an overview of the registration process that comes with a small series or custom trailer within the European Union. Please read this and consider to contact your local office for road registration if needed before ordering a trailer.  This way of receiving a registration is specially for small series and custom vehicles. This is only used if 60 or less of the identical vehicles are made a year.
As toEuropean laws a trailer will be qualified as a type "O" meaning "trailer". Small series and custom trailers are being certified within the EU Regulation (EU) 2018/858 article 45  (see link for the whole EU LAW)

What is in Article 45
National individual vehicle approvals
1. Member States may decide to exempt a particular vehicle, whether unique or not, from the obligation to comply
with one or more of the requirements of this Regulation or with one or more of the requirements laid down in the
regulatory acts listed in Annex II, provided that those Member States have imposed relevant alternative requirements.
2. An application for national individual vehicle approval shall be submitted by the owner of the vehicle, the
manufacturer, the manufacturer's representative or the importer.
3. Member States shall not carry out destructive tests to establish whether the vehicle complies with the alternative
requirements referred to in paragraph 1, but shall instead use any relevant information provided by the applicant for
that purpose.
4. For the purpose of a national individual vehicle approval, the approval authority shall accept systems, components
and separate technical units that are type-approved in accordance with the regulatory acts listed in Annex II.
5. A Member State shall issue without delay a national individual vehicle approval certificate where the vehicle
conforms to the description appended to the application and satisfies the relevant alternative requirements.
6. The national individual vehicle approval certificate shall be given a unique number in accordance with
a harmonised numbering system, which shall at least allow for the identification of the Member State which granted the
approval and for the identification of the requirements with which the vehicle conforms.
7. The Commission shall adopt implementing acts laying down the template and the numbering system of the
national individual vehicle approval certificate. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the
examination procedure referred to in Article 83(2). Until such time as the Commission adopts such implementing acts,
Member States may continue to determine the format of national individual vehicle approval certificates. 

Sample Certificate 750 KG custom trailer

Image Description

Example Certificate

This is a example certificate (first page only) as issued by the German TÜV it is the same throughout Europe (with different certification organisations on it) and available in all EU languages. With this Certificate and a COC  (issued by us) you should be able to register the trailer withing the EU.
However some national procedures to apply are different in different countries, you may have to show your trailer physically at a local road-testing centre. However the trailer fulfills all EU legislation for and is certified according this EU law some countries may require extra inspections or requirements. 

Up till now all are trailers have received registration and a license plate.

The Netherlands and Belgium

It is possible to have our smallest trailer as a 750kg trailer. Within the Netherlands and Belgium this gives the possibility to have it without it's own License plate and use a duplicate car license plate. As to our knowledge this is only in Belgium and the Netherlands.

For more information about the registration, please contact us by e-mail at or by mail using the details provided below:
Ambachtsweg, 15, Malden, 6581 AX, Netherlands 


Ambachtsweg 15
6581 AX Malden
The Netherlands   


Telefoon +31 653 393 859
Whatsapp +31 653 393 859
Signal +31 653 393 859


Open on appointment


feedback will be appreciated.

Commercial info

Chamber of Commerce (KVK) 70845425
VAT (BTW) nr. NL001886144B68
Bank NL68 RABO 0327 2346 36

Previous trailer ATXL, Manual no longer available!

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